Welcome to this carrd explaining everything you need to know about this Ambiamorous flag!If this carrd happens to not answer all of your questions feel free to check out the Creator Info and find a way to contact me to ask about it! I truly do not mind!
It means that you dont mind being in a polyamorous relationship or a monogamous relationship.
Quick Qna
SInce many of you may have questions about this flag here is a quick Q&A for yall! :)
Are the other flags problematic?
Not that I am aware of no they are not inherently problematic in anyway or their creators. If I am mistaken please contact me and let me know so I can reanswer this correctly.
Why did you make this version of the flag if there are already ambiamorous flags?
Well like I said earlier while they arent problematic there were aspects I didnt like about them.What I mean by that is is that I didn't like how much stripes n stuff were in the other flags. To me it felt like there was so much going on in the two Ambiamorous flags that are usually used.And I didnt like the color pallettes for them one was too bright with colors that I could barely tell them apart and the triangle symbol felt so random idk what that symbol could have possibly meantAnd the other flag felt too much like the polyamorous one. Or well at least the most popular Polyam flag. Just kinda felt like it was erasing that it was a mix of polyamory and monogamy into one label saying you're into both not just one if you're ambi. Though I did like the symbol for it! And the one I used for mine was somewhat inspired by that!
IS there a specific flag that should be used?
No not really from what I'm aware of! At the moment there is no offical pride flag from what Im aware just a few versions that not a whole lot of people are aware of.You can use whatever version of the flags you want with that being said! It doesnt have to be mine if mine isnt what makes you comfortable! Just use whichever one you feels does the best at representing your sexuality!
If I were to make a different version of your flag would you be okay with that?
Of course you can! I love seeing alternate versions such as holiday versions of pride flags or poc versions, or flags representing ppl in that group who use certain pronouns or versions of flags such as nice + mean lesbians. Those versions are so much fun and highlight and represent ppl within the community! I'd love to see any version you make!! Feel free to dm them to me or tag me in a post about them!
Flag Meanings + Symbolism